Zakkly Wylde?? – Zakk Wylde!! – Black Label Society

It was absolutely big news that Ozzy Osbourne, assumed as godfather in heavy metal, selected a 22 year old rookie guitarist Zakkly wylde as his guitarist. This is because it changed a rookie guitarist Zakkly Wylde, who nobody had known before, as one of the best heavy metal guitarist Zakk Wylde. Almost every music magazines began to write articles about him and expressed him as prodigy or new wave and that means he became such a world famous guitarist. However, after recording ‘Ozzymosis’ album, he left from Ozzy Osbourne with leaving a lot of assumptions about why…
Since then, he released his new project band and album 'Pride and Glory' that is originated from 'Lynyrd Skinhead' , his copy band of 'Lynyrd Skynyrd'. However, it was obvious that his glory didn’t come and his pride as one of the heaviest guitarist in the world that he accumulated through his so-called ‘chicken-peaking’, was treaded by playing country style southern rock. It was not fit for Zakk at all. Consequently, the band was presumed as a fiasco in terms of music and business. It also made him to be clarified as new kind of guitarist which means he is not a heavy metal guitarist any more. The reason for that is their music was not “this” or “that”. It was just nothing. There can not be any excuses for Zakk’s horrible vocal and amateurish, dull and tasteless sound. After that, the 'Pride and Glory' was closed and their business was taken over by 'Black Label Society'.
Zakk’s return
As a fan of Zakk, of course, I strongly assert that Zakk is more fit on hard play than any other styles. The reason for that is his vibrato, which nobody dare to imitate and makes listeners to say ‘wow’ because of its intensity and heaviness, and his peaking that is also known as ‘chicken peaking’ are not any guitarist can do. It is only Zakk Wylde can do and it is Zakk’s definition of heavy play with his lovely "Bulls eye", Zakk's Gibson Lespol guitar. Fortunately, since he labeled a society as black with Philth Ondich, Drummer in Black Label Society and Zakk’s drinking mate, he seems he realized what he is capable of and how his fans want him to be. Especially, his second album “Stronger than death” is stronger, harder and heavier than ever before as its title says.
Identity of Zakk Wylde
As a professional musician, I personally believe, the most important thing is having one’s own style. Gratefully, in this album, Zakk clearly shows his color or style as a musician and also shows his further musical direction.
Firstly, in terms of music, this album reinforced and infused who Zakk Wylde is. In other words, his image as the heaviest guitarist, which had been ruined by 'Pride and Glory', was able to be reshaped in people’s minds. In this album, as if he craves to show how he is competent musician, he played bass guitar, piano, guitar and vocal himself and even he produced. In terms of sound, this album is showing what Zakk Wylde’s heavy sound is. As his copy band’s name was ‘Lynyrd Skinhead’, it is based on southern rock sound such as ‘Lynyrd Skynyrd’ and ‘All Men Brothers Band’. However, it is heavy metal, based on southern rock. (I reckon, that makes many listeners to come up with Black Sabbath’s sound because of its bluesy feeling) Combinations of his down tuned guitar sound, heavy vibrato which he didn’t show since he left Ozzy, destructive riffs, experienced uses of 'Wah-Wah' pedal and repugnant message are the most significant factors to consolidate Zakk’s identity of sound. It seems to say “this is Zakk Wylde’s heavy metal no one can imitate”.
Moreover, as an evidence of his further musical direction, he said in his home page that “We, Black label society, will be kicking mother f**king any kind of pop band’s ass such as ‘Third eye blinds’ and ‘Blink 182’. I think this album is more than kicking their ass. Besides, by releasing more albums, he’s kicked their ass enough.
Trials and Errors
When Nuno and Paul Gilbert’s, who have got almost the same age as Zakk, solo albums are judged as disappointment by fans and critics because of loosing their identities, Zakk also seemed he had been wandering about what his color is by releasing “Pride and Glory”. When I listened to the album “Pride and Glory” I put myself into the question that “What the hell does he think?” “What is this album for?” I mean, I was really curious what he think of himself. Does he think himself as a heavy metal guitarist? Or he thinks he is just a guitarist? The reason for that is there were a lot of concerns and fears for myself that I can not listen to his heavy sound never again.
However, Zakk was back with Black Label Society. Having many trials and errors enabled him to have his own musical color and style. The album “Stronger that Death” is stronger that any other heavy metal album.
"You can't kill what stronger than death"
Labels: Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, Bulls eye, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Nuno Gilbert, Ozzy Osbourne, Ozzymosis, Paul Gilbert, Pride and Glory, Stronger than Death, Zakk Wylde
Great blogging.
Love is stronger than death is that Shakespear or Nico?
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